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The Energy sazan faraghare company is using a first-rate substance in the standard fire starter gel.This ignition gel has specific formula and composition which causes the standardization of the gel.

utilize standard fire starter gel and a price list is available on the sales function and commercial department. The flame gel is a combination of a   thickener such as co-precipitated aluminum salts of naphthenic acid, palmitic acid, and a volatile petro-chemical, usually gasoline or diesel fuel.

An ignition gel is an alcohol-based substance that contrary to wood or other liquid fuels, produces smokless or doesnt produce poisen fumes during combustion, making it an excellent choice for healthy use.

fire starter gel of Energy Sazan Faraghara Company is one of the best European raw materials with how to use incendiary gel and incendiary gel formula and buy and list the price of incendiary gel ...